How to Benefit From Space Function and Lucky Pool on the Kepler Platform
The Keplerswap ecosystem is replated with many modifications and developments that make it a point of interest for users who may want to explore groundbreaking innovations in the world of Defi.
To start with, Keplerswap is the first Defi 2.0 platform that is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) platform and supports staking, liquidity pool, and incentivization of users who refer other users.
Our interest in this article is on how users can make extra income with the liquidity pool and lucky pool features of the Kepler Platform.
The Idea of Space: SPACE is a function that helps to build bridges among users by encouraging users to participate in the referral programs and other SPACE activities. This also helps in expanding user’s benefits and building a decentralized autonomous community.
The general idea on which the concept of space runs is that every liquidity provider occupies a given space on the Kepler ecosystem and such user becomes an ancestor when he or she refers other users to the pool. A user becomes a member of a space by either creating the space by himself (achieved by providing liquidity and referring other users) or by joining other spaces.
The space owners and space participants reserve the right to vote for changes on the Kepler Platform. As a means of income to the platform users, Space owners get rewarded based on the number of space members, the higher the space members, the higher the reward system.
Lucky Pool Lottery: Lucky Pool lottery is a reward system that allows the use of smart contracts to encourage users to refer other users and also to provide more liquidity. From the top 30 referees and top 30% liquidity providers of the week, a smart contract is used to select eleven (11) users randomly, while one of the selected users (picked by a pre-worked smart contract algorithm) will receive 50% of the Lucky draw reward, the other ten (10) users will share a pool of 50% reward to be paid in SDS and BUSD tokens.
In other words, the lucky pool lottery presents users an opportunity to make extra income by drawing up a reward system for liquidity providers who provide more liquidity and who also refer other users to stake in the pool.
The concept of the Space and Liquidity pool lottery offers Keplerswap users opportunities to profit from the innovative strides of the Kepler team.